Otherfluix Umbrella Term
Otherfluix – The experience of Otherkin and Otherheart shifting between each other, with changes that can be smooth, adaptable, and continuous, or irregular, rigid, and unpredictable, or a mixture of them.
ID term: Fluixtype
• Otherfluid - refers to the smoother, more adaptable shifts where the identity flows between Otherkin and Otherheart in a continuous, fluid manner.
ID term: Fluidtype
• Otherflux - refers to the more irregular, fluctuating shifts where the identity moves unpredictably between Otherkin and Otherheart, with rapid or irregular transitions.
ID term: FluxtypeTherian/Theriomythic subtype:Therafluix – The experience of Therian (including Theriomythic) and Animalheart shifting between each other, with changes that can be smooth, adaptable, and continuous, or irregular, rigid, and unpredictable, or a mixture of them.
ID term: Fluixtype or Thera-Fluixtype
• Therafluid - refers to the smoother, more adaptable shifts where the identity flows between Therian (includs Theriomythic) and Animalheart in a continuous, fluid manner.
ID term: Fluidtype or Thera-fluidtype
• Theraflux - refers to the more irregular, fluctuating shifts where the identity moves unpredictably between Therian (includeing Theriomythic) and Animalheart, with rapid or irregular transitions.
ID term: Fluxtype or Thera-FluxtypeMythicKin subtype:Mythfluix – The experience of Mythickin and Myth-heart shifting between each other, with changes that can be smooth, adaptable, and continuous, or irregular, rigid, and unpredictable, or a mixture of them.
ID term: Fluixtype or Myth-Fluixtype
• Mythfluid - refers to the smoother, more adaptable shifts where the identity flows between Mythickin and Myth-heart in a continuous, fluid manner.
ID term: Fluidtype or Myth-Fluidtype
• Mythflux - refers to the more irregular, fluctuating shifts where the identity moves unpredictably between Mythickin and Myth-heart, with rapid or irregular transitions.
ID term: Fluxtype or Myth-FluxtypeOtherlink suptypeLinkfluix – The experience of Otherlink and Otherheart shifting between each other, with changes that can be smooth, adaptable, and continuous, or irregular, rigid, and unpredictable, or a mixture of them.
ID term: Fluixtype or Link-Fluixtype
• Linkfluid - refers to the smoother, more adaptable shifts where the identity flows between Otherlink and Otherheart in a continuous, fluid manner.
ID term: Fluidtype or Link-Fluidtype
• Linkflux - refers to the more irregular, fluctuating shifts where the identity moves unpredictably between Otherlink and otherheart, with rapid or irregular transitions.
ID term: Fluxtype or Link-Fluxtype!!! the shift between otherlink and otherheart is involuntary even though otherlink itself is a voluntary identity. !!!Concept subtype:Conceptfluix – The experience of Conceptkin and Conceptheart shifting between each other, with changes that can be smooth, adaptable, and continuous, or irregular, rigid, and unpredictable, or a mixture of them.
ID term: Fluixtype or concept-Fluixtype
• Conceptfluid - refers to the smoother, more adaptable shifts where the identity flows between Conceptkin and Conceptheart in a continuous, fluid manner.
ID term: Fluidtype or Concept-Fluidtype
• Conceptflux - refers to the more irregular, fluctuating shifts where the identity moves unpredictably between Conceptkin and Conceptheart, with rapid or irregular transitions.
ID term: Fluxtype or Concept-FluxtypePlantkin subtype:Plantfluix – The experience of Plantkin and Plant-heart shifting between each other, with changes that can be smooth, adaptable, and continuous, or irregular, rigid, and unpredictable, or a mixture of them.
ID term: Fluixtype or Plant-Fluixtype
• Plantfluid - refers to the smoother, more adaptable shifts where the identity flows between Plantkin and Plant-heart in a continuous, fluid manner.
ID term: Fluidtype or Plant-Fluidtype
• Plantflux - refers to the more irregular, fluctuating shifts where the identity moves unpredictably between Plantkin and Plant-heart, with rapid or irregular transitions.
ID term: Fluxtype or Plant-Fluxtype[WIP, STILL ADDING TERMS]
PLEASE keep im mind i am still adding terms and will be frequently updating this carrds information and design, this is a heavy WIP. This is temporary for now, i just want these terms and labels to be out there as soon as possible. And i am aware that otherfluix is similar to Cambikin but my term has differences such as alot of inclusive term and id labels. Otherfluix is basically a heavily labeled version of Cambikin with a different name. I created this for my own use but i want others to have an option to use these terms if they're looking for a specific label or they just simply dont like the name "cambikin"